Jimmy Neutron Fans United

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Jimmy Neutron

General Trivia

How To Draw Jimmy Neutron


Welcome To My Home Page!
This is a place Jimmy Neutron Fans (goodness knows there are few enough of us) to come and immerse themselves in their favorite Boy Genius. I hope to have a great ammount of trivia, data, and a few good images as well as links to all the best and informative sites conderning our little inventor. Enjoy your stay!

Site Updates

Qhote of the week has been changed.

A new poll has been added. You have muliple choices with this one ^_^

Asmall change has been made to my (Abby's) Bio.

What would you like added to this site? Want me to hold a contest? Want more interactive? More trivia? Character pages? Email me or comment in the guest book and I'll see what I can do! ^_^

Quote of the week
from the movie:

JIMMY: All right, this is it. These crummy aliens stole our parents, it's time to show them what we're made of. We're tough, we're mean. Darnit, we're carbon based life forms. So, who's going to kick buttocks?
ALL: The Carbonated Life Forms


Gotta Blast!
Jimmy Neutron is a copywright of ViaCom International. I do NOT own Jimmy Neutron in any way shape or form. Thank you.
E-mail me at: iammewsette@hotmail.com