Jimmy's head.
How to draw this guys HUGE head O.o Oie. (Red lines remind you of previouse steps)
1)(I recommend drawing lightly as there will be a bit of erasing involved.)First start with a regular 'ol Circle. Nothin' fancy, just a circle. You can draw it by hand or use a tool to help you (I would recomend that)
2)Next begin to form his face and draw his cheek, chin, and ear. You should only come a little ways under the initial cirlce. Bring the curve of the jaw up just until it touches your circle. Erase the bottom half of the cirlce inside the face. Now it looks like a head.
3)NOW we have to give him that infamous hair-do of his ^_^ Start with the hairline: just a little half-circle or flattened "c" shape. Bring a line down the side of his face down to his ear. Now, starting at just about the top of the ear, draw the rest of his hair in that DairyQueen shape as high as you think it should be. When doing the back of the head, its O.K. to come just a ~smidge~ inside the circle, just make sure you widen in out at the top then narrow it into that funky shape of his. Be sure to erase your old circle.
4) Lastly you ginve 'Im a face. His eyes are pretty much big ovals and his nose is a little "c", sort of like the ear. Vwa-la! You've just drawn Jimmy Neutron! Congrats!